Gift of Life

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319 Children given free Heart Surgery

The Gift of Life is a successful project by Sai Prema Foundation providing free heart surgeries to the underprivileged and needy Children of Fiji and the Pacific. Currently there are no pediatric cardiac services available anywhere in Fiji and the Pacific and overseas treatment is unaffordable for most families. The Foundation identified this area of great need and has embarked on a mission to save the lives of hundreds and thousands of children in Fiji and the Pacific, who without intervention, do not survive. Thus far, the Foundation has undertaken free heart surgeries with the help of an international medical team from USA, Australia, India, New Zealand, Singapore, UK and Oman representing the Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospitals India. The average cost of overseas treatment for families in Fiji and the Pacific is approximately $100,000. Through this project, 319 children have received successful life-saving heart surgeries saving their families in excess of $35 million.