Health on Wheels

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28,021 individuals have been served with free general and specialist medical services in rural Fiji

Sai Prema Foundation’s inaugural project, Health on Wheels, was launched by the then Attorney-General and Minister for Economy Aiyaz Sayed-Khiayum. Health on Wheels is a project serving the rural population of Fiji through regular free outreach Medical Camps by taking a highly qualified team of Medical professionals and providing high-quality healthcare. A team of up to 100 medical professionals, Foundation members and volunteers make their way to rural parts of Fiji and the typical services provided to the villagers include:

  • General Medical Consultations by private Physicians & GP’s as well as Medical Officers from Ministry of Health
  • Specialist consultations by local specialists and international specialists representing Health in Kind Australia
  • Dental consultations and procedures by Dentists
  • Blood sugar testing, Diabetes advocacy & counseling by Diabetes Fiji
  • Heart screening for Children
  • Eye screening & dispensation of reading glasses by Pacific Eye Institute and CWM Eye Department
  • Cancer screening
  • Pap Smears, Obstetrics and gynecology and Women’s wellness by Oxfam
  • Prostate cancer screening
  • Men’s health advocacy by Suva Golden Oldies Rugby Club
  • Physiotherapy
  • Dietary advice and counseling by a dietitian
  • Counseling services provided by Medical Services Pacific & Smart Labs
  • Free medications dispensed by volunteer pharmacists and pharmacy students
  • Community wellness workshop for the villagers
  • Health screening by nurses from Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Medical Centre and Fiji Medical Laboratory Science Student’s Association
  • Blood collection by Fiji National Blood Service and Fiji Red Cross